Monday, September 19, 2011

Doing it all wrong but it all worked out anyway

The whole birth story is for another time, but basically I was fairly woozy on the pain drugs after a caesaraen.  I was still in recovery seven hours after the birth and felt very floaty. My husband had gone to pick up our daughter from creche.  This didn't register in the way that I had planned - my plan was to come home from Delivery Suite a couple of hours after birth and be all prepared with the 'gift from the baby.' My eldest daughter came stomping into recovery in her gumboots and 'big sister crown.'  I was holding the baby and hooked up to a couple of monitors.   My daughter rushed to see the baby's face, and had a lovely cuddle.  She was so proud to be a big sister, and declared that the small baby was just the right size for her.  She gave the baby a little kiss, declared her to be cute and we felt sure that it was going to be OK. 

In one sense it was a good first meeting.  It was short and sweet as it was just before dinner time and by the time of my next visit the following day I was making more sense and was more mobile. It was a great opportunity to learn that for three year olds, everything was about them.  It was their baby, their baby's presents etc etc.

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